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Working remotely is becoming more commonplace than ever. Maybe your team is waiting for you to finalize that Phoenix commercial lease, or perhaps you’re in the middle of transitioning to a new office space in Phoenix. With nearly half of the workforce working remotely, the trend is here to stay. Whatever your reason, there’s plenty of ways to keep your team connected outside of the office.


1. Communication is Key

Slack groups, email, conference calls. There are more ways to communicate than ever before. So, why is it so hard for us to stay in touch? The reason may be in our amount of options. Messages can get easily overlooked or misread, and, yeah, plain forgotten in the slog of other messages. To avoid this, make sure that everyone on the team feels heard.

Schedule daily or weekly video calls and make sure every single person joins in the conversation.

Constant communication with your team as a whole (and with one-on-one conversations) will help prevent any hiccups.


2. Encourage the “Office” in “Home Office”

Sure, home office is a vague term. Especially when it’s so easy to make any place outside of your office space in Phoenix a temporary remote office. From libraries to coffee shops to a quiet corner of your home, any place can become a cubicle. To ensure productive stays at the same quality and quantity, encourage staff members to find a location with minimum distractions.


3. One Size Does Not Fit All

There’s another reason why working remotely is so popular. Everyone does their best work in different environments. Working 9-5 from home may be a good routine for your social media coordinator but not for your account manager, who likes to do odd tasks around the house between assignments, or your HR leader who likes the bustle of the nearby Starbucks. So long as the work turned in is up to your standards, don’t micromanage how your staff completes their works outside of the office.


4. Set Clear Boundaries

Keep your team in the loop about company goals. If working remotely is a temporary solution while you sign your Phoenix commercial lease, send out newsletters to the entire staff to keep them up to date on the situation.

When work and home blend it can be hard for some employees (and yourself!) to set work/life boundaries. Make sure the team is keeping a healthy balance. Check in with each member of your team throughout the week. But don’t just ask them about their projects. Make sure they aren’t struggling to find the balance between home and work. After all, you don’t want your team to burnout.



Interested in finding a Phoenix commercial leaseContact us and we will help you find the best commercial office space that will let your staff come together.


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