Are you looking to get your Tempe office space more involved in supporting the community? Giving back to the community is a great way for organizations to be a part of something bigger and help make a difference in the lives of their neighbors. Every company has the ability to give back whether it comes in the form of supporting local businesses or donating money to a charity.
In addition to helping those around you, charitable involvement can also benefit your organization. A recent study found that 71% of consumers are willing to pay a higher price tag to businesses that support a cause. There is a wide range of avenues your office can take to get involved in the community and make a difference. Take a look at five ways your company can help those around you.
1. Encourage Employee Volunteerism
Many businesses—including big names like McKesson, 3M, and Salesforce—are now encouraging workers to get involved in the community by offering paid time off for volunteering. You can show your support for local initiatives by allotting a specific amount of time each month, quarter, or year for volunteer work. Not only will this work improve morale around the office, but it will also increase your business’ community involvement.
You can also create group volunteer days that double as a team-building exercise for your employees. This allows everyone the chance to form deeper relationships outside of the workplace, leading to more collaboration, understanding, and increased productivity within the office.
2. Support Local Businesses
One of the easiest and most effective ways to support your community is by helping out other businesses in the area. Utilize local businesses to make improvements to your Tempe office space or provide services directly to your company. Cross networking with local companies can not only help you reach more customers, it can also help out other business owners just like you—it’s a win-win!
3. Share Your Knowledge
Charitable efforts spread much further than just contributing money. If you run a small business, you may not have the extra funds to donate right now. However, you do possess a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and talent you can offer up to aid others. Put those skills to good use by teaching a class or seminar. By simply setting aside some time out of your day, you are able to teach others valuable skills they may not have had the chance to learn otherwise—and a rising tide lifts all boats!
4. Sponsor a Youth Sports Team
There is a good possibility that you know someone who has a child on a youth sports team in the area. Finding a local team to sponsor near your Tempe office space allows you to help raise the funds they need in exchange for some friendly publicity—like your business logo on the uniforms or banners. If the team is participating in a tournament, you could even sponsor the event and donate supplies such as bottles of water, snacks, or tents.
5. Participate in a Food Drive
During the holidays, many businesses encourage workers to bring in unopened, non-perishable foods that can be donated to local food banks. Set aside a half-hour or so just before Thanksgiving or Christmas to transport the items. This is an excellent way to support your community—homeless shelters and food banks always need extra help and supplies. You don’t have to limit donations to just the holidays, though. Consider a coat drive in the fall or an air conditioning drive in the summer.
Investing in your community is a great way to give back to those who have helped support your business. Is your organization looking to make the move to a new locale and in need of a Tempe office space? Take a look at some of our available properties to find the next space your business can call home.